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What is cloud computing

Cloud Computing

What is cloud computing?

cloud computing is the on-demand delivery of computing services like servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, intelligence and it resources via the internet. Cloud computing is also provide the facility to connect large number of computer through real-time communication network such as internet.

What is cloud computing with example?

Real time example

1    1.     Social networking
2.    Backup and recovery
3.    Application development
4.    Test & development
5.    Big data analytics

1   1.    Social networking

Social Media is the most popular and often overlooked application of cloud computing. Line Face-book, LinkedIn, MySpace, Twitter.

Social media cloud like facebook, linkedIn,Twitter.

Backup and recovery-

An example of a Cloud Computing provider is Google's Gmail. Gmail users can access files and applications hosted by Google via the internet from any device.When you choose cloud for data storage. The responsibility of your information also lies with your service provider which one you choose for data storage. Google Drive provides the storage for stored your data. When you use cloud for data storage then cloud provide flexibility in the sense that you can use large storage and on-demand backups. Example Drop Box, Google Drive,  
Data Back and recovery

3.  Application development - 

Whether you are developing an application for web or mobile or even games, cloud platforms provide a reliable solution. Using cloud, you can easily create scalable cross-platform experiences for your users. These platforms include many pre-coded tools and libraries — like directory services, search and security. This can speed up and simplify the development process

Mobile and web application

Test & development - 

The cloud can provide an environment to cut expenses and launch your apps in the market faster. Rather than setting up physical environments developers can use the cloud to set up and dismantle test and development environments. This saves the technical team from securing budgets and spending critical project time and resources. These dev-test environments can also be scaled up or down based on requirements. 
Test & Development

Big data analytics - 

Cloud computing enables data scientists to tap into any organizational data to analyze it for patterns and insights, find correlations make predictions, forecast future crisis and help in data backed decision making. Hadoop, Cassandra, Hpcc 
Big data analytics


  1. Sir .i am beginner in cloud computing .and it's help me a lot to understanding what is cloud computing .please update more about cloud computing

    1. thanks for reading and your comment. you will found more information about this. so keep in tuch.

  2. Thanks for this example ...........nice please update more about cloud computing

    1. thanks. we are trying to add more information related to this topic so keep in tuch. we are updating more info very soon

  3. thanks for sharing about cloud coomputing

  4. very nice language is understendable


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