Today’s Update: Dear User we have updated Answer key for RSCIT exam 19-January-2020 Click

RSCIT Exam Result 3-March-2019

Answer key  3-March-2019

RSCIT 3 मार्च 2019 लिखित परीक्षा की उत्तर कुंजी, प्रश्न पत्र अब इस पेज पर जारी हो चुकी है | अतः वेबसाइट के लगातार संपर्क में बने रहे | उम्मीद है आपकी परीक्षा सकुशल 1 बजे समाप्त हो गयी है | RSCIT Answer Key 3 March 2019: RKCL  Download PDF A/B/C/D. VMOU has confirmed that Official Answer Key of 3 March 2019 will be uploaded here. According to the latest news, an exam which was scheduled on 17 February 2019 is now postponed to 3 March 2019.


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